Go to one of the five boxes below that best describes your situation and then click on links provided.
Please be advised that it takes 5-10 business days for the Registry to complete an initial application review. We ask that applicants do not contact the Registry to enquire about application/registration status until at least 10 business days after an application is submitted. Your patience is appreciated. We are working to process all new applications in a timely and effective manner.
For the best experience, we recommend that you use a desktop or laptop computer to apply for registration. This site has not been optimized for tablet or mobile devices.
To find the answer to common questions, please visit the Applicant FAQ or the Registrant FAQ.
If you have not verified your account within the last year, please contact the Registry for instructions.
Graduate of an HCA Program in BC
Check the list of health care assistant (HCA) programs in British Columbia to see if your school is listed.
Graduate of an HCA program in Canada (or HCA equivalent)
Graduates of Canadian health care assistant programs offered by educational institutions outside of BC.
Canadian-licensed LPN, RN, or RPN
Licensed practical nurses, registered nurses, or registered psychiatric nurses licensed to practise in Canada.
Nursing Student in Canada
Students enrolled in nursing programs in Canada may be eligible to register, depending on the amount of training completed.
Internationally Educated Health Care Professional
Internationally educated health care professionals or graduates of health care assistant programs outside of Canada. All internationally educated nurses (IENs) must apply first at before applying to the Registry – please read the IEN notification.

HCA programs in British Columbia
The Registry has compiled a list of educational institutions that are recognized providers of HCA programs in BC.

Employers should ensure that all HCAs that they hire are registered. Employers are also responsible for reporting all cases of alleged abuse to the Registry.

Educational Institutions
The Registry has put together an HCA program recognition process. This process requires all educational institutions to follow the Health Care Assistant Provincial Curriculum and meet minimum standards for delivery.