New Registration Pathway for Out-of-Province, Canadian-Trained Health Care Assistants

February 06, 2020

There is a new registration pathway available to Health Care Assistants (HCAs) educated in other provinces.

The NCAS HCA Competency Assessment remains in place as an option for this category of applicant. For further application options information click here.

The new expedited registration pathway creates a shared employer and BC Care Aide & Community Health Worker (Registry) accountability for ensuring the competency of qualified Canadian HCAs before they provide direct or indirect care for patients, clients or residents. The Registry confirms the qualified Canadian HCA applicants’ credentials and experience meet the expedited pathway’s minimum standards. Participating Employers ensure the qualified Canadian HCA employee completes the standardized orientation program requirements and is competent to deliver safe and effective care. 

Additional Information for Employers:

Please contact the Registry at for further information on how to become a Participating Employer.